Who We Are?

At Nexcitement and Decaview Event Planner, we have a full international team with proven experience ready to tackle any projects, from small to truly challenging! Our clients are ensured to receive top-notch services with zero glitches. We deliver what we promise!

Management Team

Nawinda Witeecharoen, CEO

Ms.Witeecharoen, also known as “Madame Nuchè, the Event Planner Diva,” is the main driving force behind the successes of Nexcitement and Decaview. With more than 20 years of direct experience, Madame Nuchè ensures a flawless outcome on every event she manages.

Kris Thanalapsakun

Our creative director.  Mr. Thanalapsakun’s qualifications in both software engineering and business administration help strengthens the company’s technology-based solutions.

Dr.Chartchai Meesukho, CFP

A avid financial consultant with a background in engineering, Dr.Meesukho has an expertise in Wealth Management for more than 10 years.

Dr.Wit Sitthivekin

Our Chief Media Advisor, Dr.Sitthivekin has been in the news industry for more than three decades.

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