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— Decaview and Nexcitement 20th year video profile —
Watch our video profile highlights on the extensive event planning solutions that we currently offer.
Nexcitement manages an arabian themed party for country’s top construction material firm
Nexcitement manages an Arabian themed party for country’s top construction material firm, ending with a spectacular concert from “Cocktail.”
Nexcitement holds a mini-concert for a giant petrochemical company
Nexcitement holds a mini-concert for a giant petrochemical company, featuring “Jeep Vasu,” Thailand’s top entertainer.
Nexcitement celebrate the 25th anniversary of a major Japanese auto parts company
Nexcitement celebrate the 25th anniversary of a major Japanese auto parts company.
Nexcitement plans a luxury gala dinner for a top petrochemical company
Nexcitement Event Planner and Decaview manage a luxury gala dinner and a grand party for the country’s top petrochemical corporation. The event features an extravagant menu from the Mandarin Oriental…
Nexcitement manages 13th Asia-Pacific Postal Union Congress
Nexcitement Event Planner and Decaview manage an international postal congress, welcoming over 30 countries from the Asia-Pacific region. The event features cutting-edge technologies to counter the current COVID-19 pandemic situation…
Nexcitement Event Planner and Decaview manage an online live broadcasting seminar
Nexcitement Event Planner and Decaview manage an online live broadcasting seminar with call-ins from professors from Malaysia and Singapore. เน็กซ์ไซท์เมนท์ อีเว้นท์ ออร์แกไนเซอร์ และ เดคาวิว จัดงานสัมมนาออนไลน์แบบไลฟ์สด โดยมีการคอลล์อินจากทางโปรเฟสเซอร์จากต่างประเทศ
Nexcitement Event Planner and Decaview manage an online MOU signing
Nexcitement Event Planner and Decaview manage an online MOU signing between The Eastern Economic Corridor and U.S. alliances to develop, reskill, and upskill local workforce to implement the new 5G…
Nexcitement CEO news interview on coping with the COVID-19 pandamic
Nexcitement CEO, Nawinda Witeecharoen gave exclusive interview with “Naew Na,” a leading news agency in Thailand, about necessary adjustments needed to tackle the COVID-19 pandamic. Read the article here
ผู้บริหารเน็กซ์ไซท์เมนท์ ให้สัมภาษณ์หนังสือพิมพ์กรุงเทพธุรกิจ ชี้ทิศทางวงการอีเว้นท์และท่องเที่ยว ในยุคหลังโควิด
ผู้บริหารเน็กซ์ไซท์เมนท์ ชี้ทิศทางวงการอีเว้นท์และท่องเที่ยว ในยุคหลังโควิด อ่านข่าวเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ หนังสือพิมพ์กรุงเทพธุรกิจ *คลิ๊ก*
Nexcitement Event Planner and DecaView managed a National Dealer Conference for a global electric appliance company
Nexcitement Event Planner and DecaView managed a National Dealer Conference for a global electric appliance company under strict COVID measures, including participant screening, social distancing, touchless online registration, and all…